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Phoenix Performing Arts Policies

Student Code of Conduct - As of 10/22/2024

At Phoenix Performing Arts, we are committed to fostering a positive, respectful, and inclusive environment for all students. By participating in our programs, students and their families agree to uphold the following code of conduct to ensure the well-being of themselves, their peers, and the organization.


Core Values:

  • Honesty and Integrity: Students are expected to act truthfully and with integrity in all situations, both within and outside rehearsals.
  • Respect: All individuals must show respect to fellow students, staff, volunteers, and facilities.
  • Accountability: Students are responsible for their actions, attendance, behavior, and participation. This includes adhering to rehearsal schedules, deadlines, and instructions.


Respect for Others:

  • No bullying, harassment, or disruptive behavior, whether in person or online, will be tolerated. This includes physical, verbal, emotional, or cyberbullying.
  • Offensive, obscene, or discriminatory language, gestures, or materials are prohibited.
  • Students should be polite, practice good manners, and engage in respectful communication.


Participation and Compliance:

  • Active participation is required in rehearsals, and students must respect the direction of teachers, staff, and volunteers.
  • Disruptive behavior, including talking back or refusing reasonable requests, will not be accepted.
  • Students must work cooperatively with peers, avoiding distractions and disruptions.


Social Media and Digital Conduct:

  • Students must maintain a positive and respectful online presence. Inappropriate use of social media, such as cyberbullying, will result in disciplinary action.
  • Any harmful digital behavior, including sending offensive or inappropriate messages, is strictly prohibited.


Device Usage Policy:

To maintain focus and minimize distractions during rehearsals and performances, Phoenix Performing Arts has established the following rules regarding the use of electronic devices:

  • Personal Devices (Phones, Tablets, etc.): All personal devices, including but not limited to phones, tablets, and smartwatches, must remain in bags during rehearsals and performances. These devices should not be used unless permission is explicitly granted by a staff member for a specific reason.
  • Chromebooks and Laptops for Homework: Students may be allowed to use Chromebooks or laptops for homework on a case-by-case basis. Permission must be obtained from a designated staff member, and device usage must not cause unnecessary distractions or lead to any violations of the code of conduct.
  • Violation of Device Policy: Unauthorized use of devices during rehearsals or performances will be considered a violation of this policy and may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the three-strike system.


By adhering to this policy, students help ensure a focused, productive, and respectful environment for all participants.


Respect for Property:

  • Students will respect all property belonging to Phoenix Performing Arts and performance venues. Damage caused by negligence will result in consequences.
  • Facilities, costumes, props, and equipment must be treated with care.


Representation of Phoenix Performing Arts:

When representing the organization, whether at rehearsals, performances, or in the community, students must uphold this code of conduct and act as ambassadors for Phoenix Performing Arts.


Zero Tolerance for Bullying and Discrimination:

Phoenix Performing Arts does not tolerate bullying, harassment, or discrimination. Violations will lead to immediate action, up to and including permanent removal.


Definitions of Bullying and Harassment:

  • Bullying: Intentional, aggressive behavior that involves a power imbalance and is repeated or likely to be repeated. It can be physical, verbal, social, or cyber in nature.
    • Examples: Teasing, exclusion, spreading false information, or online harassment.
  • Harassment: Unwanted behavior that offends, humiliates, or intimidates. This includes verbal, physical, or non-verbal actions that make someone feel unsafe.
    • Examples: Inappropriate jokes, comments about someone’s appearance, or unwanted physical contact.


Incident Reporting:

  • Any incidents of injury, bullying, harassment, or violations of this code must be reported promptly. Use the Incident Reporting Form to document and address concerns.


Consequences for Violations:

Phoenix Performing Arts follows a three-strike system to promote fairness and accountability:

  • First Violation: Verbal warning and private discussion with a designated staff or board member. 
  • Second Violation: Meeting with the student, their parent/guardian, and designated staff or board member. Official warning documented.
  • Third Violation: Depending on the issue’s severity, the student may face suspension from rehearsals or the current production. Continued violations could lead to removal from the program without a refund to tuition or program fee.
  • Note: Serious infractions may bypass this process, resulting in immediate suspension or expulsion without a refund to tuition or program fee.


Severity-Based Disciplinary Actions:

  • Minor Offenses: Disruptions, disrespectful language, or minor rule-breaking. Addressed within the three-strike process.
  • Moderate Offenses: Repeated disruptions, non-compliance, or behavior affecting others’ safety/comfort. May lead to quicker escalation or temporary suspension.
  • Serious Offenses: Bullying, harassment, discrimination, violence, threats, or severe safety risks. May result in immediate suspension or removal without a refund to tuition or program fee, bypassing the three-strike system.


Scope of Responsibility:

Phoenix Performing Arts is committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and positive environment during all rehearsals, performances, and official events. While we encourage students to maintain these standards outside of our programs, our ability to address incidents is limited to behavior that occurs within the context of Phoenix Performing Arts activities. This includes:

  • Behavior observed during rehearsals, performances, and other official Phoenix Performing Arts events.
  • Actions that directly impact the safety, well-being, or participation of others within the Phoenix Performing Arts program.


We understand that interpersonal relationships between students may extend beyond rehearsals and performances. However, incidents that occur entirely outside of Phoenix Performing Arts activities, including but not limited to social media interactions or events unrelated to our programs, fall outside the scope of our responsibility. In cases where external issues are brought to our attention and are found to significantly disrupt the safe and respectful environment during rehearsals or performances, we may address the behavior as appropriate within the scope of our policies.


This policy is intended to protect the integrity of our program and ensure that all students can participate in a safe, focused, and supportive environment.



By participating in Phoenix Performing Arts, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to follow this Code of Conduct. Failure to comply may lead to disciplinary action by the board.

Phoenix Performing Arts Incident Management Procedure

Phoenix Performing Arts is dedicated to maintaining a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all participants, including students, staff, and families. To address incidents effectively, we have established a clear and consistent procedure for reporting, documenting, and managing incidents. This procedure ensures that all concerns are handled with fairness, confidentiality, and prompt action.


  • The Incident Management Procedure is designed to:
    • Provide a standardized process for reporting and addressing incidents, including but not limited to bullying, harassment, safety concerns, and violations of the Code of Conduct.
    • Ensure that incidents are managed fairly, consistently, and promptly.
    • Foster a safe and positive environment for all participants in Phoenix Performing Arts programs.


  • This procedure applies to:
    • All students, staff, volunteers, and families involved in Phoenix Performing Arts programs, rehearsals, performances, and events.
    • Incidents that occur within the context of Phoenix Performing Arts activities, including rehearsals, performances, and official events. While we encourage positive behavior outside of these settings, our ability to address incidents is limited to those affecting our programs.
  • Definition of an Incident
    • An incident may include, but is not limited to:
    • Bullying, harassment, or discrimination (in person or online)
    • Physical altercations or threats
    • Disruptive behavior that interferes with the safety, well-being, or participation of others
    • Violations of the Student, Staff, or Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
    • Safety concerns or injuries that require immediate attention

Incident Reporting:

To report an incident, the following process should be followed:

  • Immediate Safety Concerns: If an incident involves immediate danger or harm, staff should intervene promptly to ensure safety and report the issue to appropriate authorities if necessary.
  • Filing a Report: Incidents should be reported to a designated staff member or board member as soon as possible. The preferred method of reporting is through the Incident Reporting Form available online at
    • The form should include all relevant details, such as the date, time, location, individuals involved, a description of the incident, and any witnesses.
  • Confidentiality: Phoenix Performing Arts will handle all incident reports confidentially, sharing information only with those directly involved in managing the issue.

Incident Review and Documentation:

  • Initial Assessment: Once an incident report is submitted, a designated staff member or board member will review the report within 48 hours. The incident will be classified as minor, moderate, or serious based on its severity.
  • Documentation: All incident reports and subsequent actions will be documented in a secure, confidential file to track patterns and ensure appropriate follow-up. Documentation will include a summary of the incident, actions taken, communication with involved parties, and any resolutions or outcomes.

Investigation and Resolution

  • Minor Incidents: Minor incidents (e.g., minor disruptions, inappropriate language) will be addressed by speaking directly with the individual(s) involved and issuing a verbal warning. Staff will monitor the situation to ensure no further issues arise.
  • Moderate Incidents: Moderate incidents (e.g., repeated disruptions, non-compliance, minor bullying) will require a more in-depth review. A meeting will be scheduled with the involved parties, including students and parents/guardians if applicable. An official warning will be issued, and specific steps will be outlined to prevent recurrence.
  • Serious Incidents: Serious incidents (e.g., physical altercations, harassment, bullying, threats, severe safety concerns) may result in immediate action, such as suspension or removal from the program. 
  • A formal investigation will be conducted, which may include gathering statements from witnesses, reviewing relevant materials (e.g., messages or emails), and meeting with involved parties.
  • The Board of Directors or designated personnel will make the final decision regarding consequences, and affected individuals will be notified promptly.

Severity-Based Disciplinary Actions:

  • Minor Offenses: Addressed within the three-strike process. Typically results in a verbal warning and monitoring.
  • Moderate Offenses: May escalate quickly within the three-strike process, including official warnings, parent/guardian meetings, and possible suspension from rehearsals.
  • Serious Offenses: May bypass the three-strike process, resulting in immediate suspension or expulsion from the program. The severity of consequences will be based on the nature of the offense, potential harm, and disruption to the safe environment.

Communication with Families:

  • Notification: For incidents involving students, parents/guardians will be notified promptly if their child is involved in an incident, whether as a participant, witness, or reporter. Regular communication will be maintained throughout the resolution process to keep families informed.
  • Privacy: Details about incidents will be shared only with those directly involved. Families are asked to respect the privacy of others and not discuss incidents publicly or on social media.

Appeal Process:

  • Right to Appeal: If a student, staff member, or parent/guardian disagrees with the outcome of an incident resolution, they may submit a written appeal within 7 days of the decision.
  • Review of Appeal: The appeal will be reviewed by the Board of Directors or designated personnel. A meeting may be scheduled to discuss the issue, and a final decision will be communicated within 14 days of receiving the appeal.

Suspensions and Reinstatement

  • Suspension from a Production: In cases where a student is suspended from a production due to serious or repeated violations, they will not be able to participate in that show. The suspension is intended as an opportunity for reflection and growth.
  • Reinstatement for Future Productions: Students who have been suspended will have the opportunity to return for future productions after sitting out one or two shows, depending on the nature of the incident. Before rejoining, they must:
    • Participate in a reinstatement meeting with staff and parents/guardians to discuss their understanding of the issue, the actions they have taken to improve, and how they plan to adhere to the Code of Conduct moving forward.
    • Agree to a behavior contract that outlines expected conduct and specific steps to be followed to ensure positive participation.
    • Demonstrate a commitment to responsible and respectful behavior both within and outside of rehearsals.
    • Commitment to Growth: Phoenix Performing Arts believes in second chances and the ability for students to learn and grow from their experiences. Reinstatement offers a structured opportunity for them to demonstrate personal growth and responsibility.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Phoenix Performing Arts is committed to continuously improving the Incident Management Procedure. Feedback is welcome, and periodic reviews will be conducted to ensure the process remains effective, fair, and supportive of a positive environment.
  • By adhering to this procedure, Phoenix Performing Arts strives to maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all participants. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to our community.

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